✨ 作品亮点解析
Midjourney是一款利用人工智能技术进行图像生成的软件,用户可以通过输入提示词来创建独特的艺术作品。它能够根据用户的描述,结合丰富的视觉风格和元素,生成高质量的图像,适用于插画、概念艺术等多个领域。用户只需提供简洁而富有想象力的提示,Midjourney便能将其转化为视觉作品,激发创作灵感。 在蓝天白云的映衬下,一个俊俏的少年站立于微风轻拂的草地上。他的束发冠在阳光下闪耀着光泽,红色长袍在风中轻轻摆动,仿佛在诉说着古老的传说。少年目光坚定,似乎在思考着什么,周围的世界在他的眼中充满了无限的可能。与他并肩
🎨 创作提示词
蓝天白云下,一个面容俊俏的中国古代少年,束起头发,头戴束发冠,穿着一件红色长袍。 身边站着三个身穿灰色长袍的中国古代男子,头戴束发带。
Style: Photo of Subject: A handsome ancient Chinese teenager with tied hair and a hair ornament, wearing a red robe, Setting: Standing under a blue sky with white clouds, Composition: Teenager centered, three men in grey robes standing beside him, Lighting: Soft sunlight illuminating the scene, Additional Info: Colorful flowers and lush vegetation surrounding them. Full Length Shot(FLS),Natural light,Front view –ar 16:9 –seed 123456 –niji 6
📝 完整提示词参数
Style: Photo of Subject: A handsome ancient Chinese teenager with tied hair and a hair ornament, wearing a red robe, Setting: Standing under a blue sky with white clouds, Composition: Teenager centered, three men in grey robes standing beside him, Lighting: Soft sunlight illuminating the scene, Additional Info: Colorful flowers and lush vegetation surrounding them. Full Length Shot(FLS),Natural light,Front view –ar 16:9 –seed 123456 –niji 6 –q 1 –s 100
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