An Chinese girl, around 6 years old adorned in a rosy princess gown, stands alongside a pure white unicorn, basking in the soft glow of natural light. The perspective exudes a sense of positivity, capturing the raw essence of the moment. The photograph possesses exceptional quality, emanating a dream-like charm, with a simple and elegant oil painting backdrop. KneeShot(KS),Natural light,Front view –ar 9:16 –s 145 –v 6.0 (relax) – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

An Chinese girl, around 6 years old adorned in a rosy princess gown, stands alongside a pure white unicorn, basking in the soft glow of natural light. The perspective exudes a sense of positivity, capturing the raw essence of the moment. The photograph possesses exceptional quality, emanating a dream-like charm, with a simple and elegant oil painting backdrop. KneeShot(KS),Natural light,Front view --ar 9:16 --s 145 --v 6.0 (relax) - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够根据用户提供的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法,解析并理解文本描述,从而创造出富有想象力和艺术感的视觉作品。用户可以通过输入关键词、风格...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,能够根据用户提供的提示词生成高质量的图像。它利用深度学习算法,解析并理解文本描述,从而创造出富有想象力和艺术感的视觉作品。用户可以通过输入关键词、风格和其他参数,获取符合期望的图像,适合艺术创作、插画设计等多种用途。 在一个阳光灿烂的日子里,一个约六岁的小女孩身穿粉色公主裙,站在一匹洁白的独角兽旁边。她的面容洋溢着纯真与快乐,仿佛时间在这一刻静止。自然光透过树叶洒落,轻柔地照亮她们,营造出一种温暖而梦幻的氛围。女孩的眼神中闪烁着对世界的好奇,而独

🎨 创作提示词


An Chinese girl, around 6 years old adorned in a rosy princess gown, stands alongside a pure white unicorn, basking in the soft glow of natural light. The perspective exudes a sense of positivity, capturing the raw essence of the moment. The photograph possesses exceptional quality, emanating a dream-like charm, with a simple and elegant oil painting backdrop. KneeShot(KS),Natural light,Front view –ar 9:16 –s 145 –v 6.0 (relax)


A Chinese girl, approximately six years old, is adorned in a resplendent princess gown, standing gracefully next to a pristine white unicorn. They both seem to be bathed in the gentle radiance of natural light, creating an ambience of pure enchantment. From this perspective, the photograph radiates a profound sense of positivity, capturing the raw essence of this fleeting moment in time. The exceptional quality of the image gives off an almost ethereal allure, enhanced by the uncomplicated yet elegant backdrop reminiscent of an exquisite oil painting. KneeShot (KS), Natural light, Front view – aspect ratio 9:16 – shutter speed 145 – ISO value 6.0 (relax). KneeShot(KS),Natural light,Front view –ar 9:16 –s 145 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

A Chinese girl, approximately six years old, is adorned in a resplendent princess gown, standing gracefully next to a pristine white unicorn. They both seem to be bathed in the gentle radiance of natural light, creating an ambience of pure enchantment. From this perspective, the photograph radiates a profound sense of positivity, capturing the raw essence of this fleeting moment in time. The exceptional quality of the image gives off an almost ethereal allure, enhanced by the uncomplicated yet elegant backdrop reminiscent of an exquisite oil painting. KneeShot (KS), Natural light, Front view – aspect ratio 9:16 – shutter speed 145 – ISO value 6.0 (relax). KneeShot(KS),Natural light,Front view –ar 9:16 –q 1 –s 145 –v 6.0

🚀 如何创作类似作品?

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  4. 根据需要调整参数
  5. 一键生成你的专属 AI 艺术作品

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1asian girl, pink princes dress, near a white unicorn, natural light, positive perspective, raw photo, high quality, dreamy look, oil painting simple background, - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 16:07:21


贝雷帽,红色头发,双马尾,黑的丝带,可爱,kawai,女孩子,蓝色眼睛,抱着一只小猫 - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 16:07:39

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