Portrait of Gemini, male, hand supporting chin, head tilted back, illustration style, warm, comfortable, lazy, gentle artistic style, elegant and vulgar, three-dimensional facial features, modern style, male, warm orange background – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

Portrait of Gemini, male, hand supporting chin, head tilted back, illustration style, warm, comfortable, lazy, gentle artistic style, elegant and vulgar, three-dimensional facial features, modern style, male, warm orange background - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的图像生成软件,它能够根据用户提供的提示词创造出令人惊叹的艺术作品。这款软件利用深度学习算法,分析并理解用户的描述,从而生成独特的图像,广泛用于艺术创作、设计和娱...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的图像生成软件,它能够根据用户提供的提示词创造出令人惊叹的艺术作品。这款软件利用深度学习算法,分析并理解用户的描述,从而生成独特的图像,广泛用于艺术创作、设计和娱乐等领域。 在这幅描绘双子座男性的肖像中,他悠闲地倚着手,微微仰头,展现出一种慵懒而放松的姿态。细腻的插画风格带来温暖而舒适的氛围,仿佛在传递一种轻松的生活态度。其三维的面部特征在现代风格的渲染下,既优雅又略显放纵,勾勒出一种独特的男性魅力。背景的温暖橙色仿佛在拥抱着他,

🎨 创作提示词


Portrait of Gemini, male, hand supporting chin, head tilted back, illustration style, warm, comfortable, lazy, gentle artistic style, elegant and vulgar, three-dimensional facial features, modern style, male, warm orange background


“Portrait of a Gemini male, his hand gracefully cradling his chin, head slightly tilted back, all rendered in an illustrative style. The warmth exuding from this depiction evokes a sense of coziness and ease, while exuding an air of gentle artistic sophistication. The facial features are exquisitely three-dimensional, lending a modern touch to the overall composition. Set against a backdrop of warm orange, this portrait effortlessly embodies both elegance and a hint of unpretentious allure.” –ar 1:1 –niji 6 –iw 1.91

📝 完整提示词参数

“Portrait of a Gemini male, his hand gracefully cradling his chin, head slightly tilted back, all rendered in an illustrative style. The warmth exuding from this depiction evokes a sense of coziness and ease, while exuding an air of gentle artistic sophistication. The facial features are exquisitely three-dimensional, lending a modern touch to the overall composition. Set against a backdrop of warm orange, this portrait effortlessly embodies both elegance and a hint of unpretentious allure.” –ar 1:1 –niji 6 –iw 1.91 –q 1 –s 100

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  3. 复制上方提供的提示词
  4. 根据需要调整参数
  5. 一键生成你的专属 AI 艺术作品

现在注册即可获得 20 张免费生成次数,快来创作属于你的 AI 艺术作品吧!


线稿手绘设计一个烤鸭美食促销美术陈列,在商场环境里,面积尺寸2×6m,高3.5m,展示4个视角,有冰柜,有操作台,有烤鸭产品陈列,整体色调红色和灰色搭配,中国古风,陈列很高级,有质感, - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 15:04:19


A Chinese meticulous painting, featuring porcelain vases, lotus flowers, tables, window frames, Chinese painting, meticulous brushwork, elegant colors, clear lines, and delicate depictions - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-12-5 15:04:42

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