Two cars chasing through the abandoned high-rise buildings, with the dazzling aurora in the sky as the backdrop, just as a high-rise collapsed, stirring up clouds of dust. – AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

Two cars chasing through the abandoned high-rise buildings, with the dazzling aurora in the sky as the backdrop, just as a high-rise collapsed, stirring up clouds of dust. - 这是一幅使用 Midjourney AI 创作的艺术作品。Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,它允许用户通过输入文本提示词生成精美的图像。用户只需描述想要的场景、对象或风格,软件便会利用深度学习算法将这些提示转化为视觉作品,展现出丰富的想象力和...

✨ 作品亮点解析

Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,它允许用户通过输入文本提示词生成精美的图像。用户只需描述想要的场景、对象或风格,软件便会利用深度学习算法将这些提示转化为视觉作品,展现出丰富的想象力和艺术表现力。 在一片荒凉的城市中,两辆汽车如同猎豹般急速追逐,穿梭于高耸的废弃摩天大楼之间。夜空中,绚丽的极光闪烁着五彩斑斓的光芒,为这场追逐增添了一丝神秘与梦幻。就在此时,一座高楼轰然倒塌,尘土飞扬,宛如一场小型的末日景象。汽车的引擎声与倒塌的轰鸣交织在一起

🎨 创作提示词


Two cars chasing through the abandoned high-rise buildings, with the dazzling aurora in the sky as the backdrop, just as a high-rise collapsed, stirring up clouds of dust.


Two vehicles racing amidst the deserted skyscrapers, with the mesmerizing aurora illuminating the sky behind them, precisely as a tall building crumbled, creating a whirlwind of dust. –ar 9:16 –s 20 –v 6.0

📝 完整提示词参数

Two vehicles racing amidst the deserted skyscrapers, with the mesmerizing aurora illuminating the sky behind them, precisely as a tall building crumbled, creating a whirlwind of dust. –ar 9:16 –q 1 –s 20 –v 6.0

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一辆车追逐着另一辆车,驶入废弃的高楼间,天上是绚烂的极光,其中一栋高楼向下倒塌 - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-29 11:17:18


车辆行驶到一处管控区域,面前是戒备森严的地下防空设备入口,锈迹斑斑的牌子上写着“锦屏基地” - AI绘画作品展示 | Midjourney中文版生成

2024-11-29 11:17:45

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