✨ 作品亮点解析
Midjourney是一款强大的绘图软件,利用先进的人工智能技术生成视觉作品。用户可以通过输入提示词,获得高质量的图像,这些图像可以根据不同风格、主题和细节进行创作,适用于艺术创作、概念设计等多个领域。 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,一对父女安然漂浮在水面上,怀抱着闪亮的安全气囊。水波轻轻荡漾,映照出他们仰望的景象:一座宏伟的大桥在他们的头顶横跨而过。桥的两端稳固而完整,然而随着视线向中间移动,桥身渐渐被像素化,呈现出一种奇异的数字化效果,仿佛在逐步消解。最中央的部分更是神秘地消失了,留下一个光滑的
🎨 创作提示词
A father and daughter are gently bobbing on the surface of the water, embraced by the safety of an airbag. Their gaze is fixed upon the bridge looming above them. The structure overhead is a peculiar sight; its ends appear normal, gradually transitioning into a pixelated grid-like formation. In the middle of the bridge, there seems to be a void where it dissolves into nothingness, leaving behind a smooth cross-section. The bridge is bustling with traffic, with cars also undergoing pixelation and being fragmented by the disappearing space. It is essential to vividly portray the three distinct states of the bridge. –ar 9:16 –v 6.0
📝 完整提示词参数
A father and daughter are gently bobbing on the surface of the water, embraced by the safety of an airbag. Their gaze is fixed upon the bridge looming above them. The structure overhead is a peculiar sight; its ends appear normal, gradually transitioning into a pixelated grid-like formation. In the middle of the bridge, there seems to be a void where it dissolves into nothingness, leaving behind a smooth cross-section. The bridge is bustling with traffic, with cars also undergoing pixelation and being fragmented by the disappearing space. It is essential to vividly portray the three distinct states of the bridge. –ar 9:16 –q 1 –s 100 –v 6.0
🚀 如何创作类似作品?
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- 复制上方提供的提示词
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- ✅ 无需魔法,国内直接访问
- ✅ 支持手机、电脑、平板多端使用
- ✅ 中文界面,提示词自动翻译
- ✅ 支持文生图、图生图等完整功能
- ✅ 提供海量参考案例和提示词
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