✨ 作品亮点解析
Midjourney是一款基于人工智能的绘图软件,用户可以通过输入提示词来生成创意视觉作品。它以其强大的图像生成能力和丰富的风格选项而受到广泛欢迎,能够帮助艺术家和设计师快速实现他们的创意构思。 想象一台未来的电视机,外形流线型,材质光滑,仿佛来自另一宇宙。它的屏幕中展现出一个熠熠生辉的C4D未来商业场景,五光十色的霓虹灯闪烁,建筑物高耸入云,流动的数字广告在空中游走,仿佛在跟观众低语。赛博朋克风格的元素如同流星般从屏幕中飞出,带着一种奇幻的魅力,商业图标、数据流动和虚拟货币
🎨 创作提示词
The subject is a futuristic television set, showcasing a Cyberpunk-style C4D commercial scene within its screen. Various commercial elements are depicted emerging from the screen, against a solid-colored background outside the television display, creating a striking contrast. The overall visual style of the composition is characterized by its bright and vivid aesthetic, captured from an upward angle perspective. Dramatic light,Upview –ar 16:9 –v 6.0
📝 完整提示词参数
The subject is a futuristic television set, showcasing a Cyberpunk-style C4D commercial scene within its screen. Various commercial elements are depicted emerging from the screen, against a solid-colored background outside the television display, creating a striking contrast. The overall visual style of the composition is characterized by its bright and vivid aesthetic, captured from an upward angle perspective. Dramatic light,Upview –ar 16:9 –q 1 –s 100 –v 6.0
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Midjourney 中文版特点:
- ✅ 无需魔法,国内直接访问
- ✅ 支持手机、电脑、平板多端使用
- ✅ 中文界面,提示词自动翻译
- ✅ 支持文生图、图生图等完整功能
- ✅ 提供海量参考案例和提示词
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